
The Unicorn of Charcuterie - 4 Reasons Why You Will Love My Work

Laura Jensen

Comments 2 Tags charcuterie

The Unicorn of Charcuterie - 4 Reasons Why You Will Love My Work

When something is different than the status quo, it's a challenge to stand out.  To be unique. To embrace what you believe in so much that people don't know what to do with you.  I became a Unicorn.  That's what my work has made me. A Unicorn in charcuterie.  I stand alone in my work.  'Women don't raise pigs......that's a mans game!' Sit down & hush.  It's the same with charcuterie.......... I am the opposite of the status quo.... How's that? Here's 4 reasons why... 1- I'm growing & curing my own pork......unheard of in the SE....and further! 2- I...

Can Bone Stock Heal You? Why it Matters to you....& How to Create Your Own

Laura Jensen

Tags beef, bone stock, broth, recipe

Can Bone Stock Heal You? Why it Matters to you....& How to Create Your Own

There's SO MUCH information out there on stocks & broths... It's overwhelming... Why do they matter? Can this heal my health issues? How to do you make them? What if I make them wrong? I've asked myself everyone of these questions.....AND answered them... Now, let me share the answers with you! ... Why does bone stock/ broth matter? The typical American diet is devoid of basic nutrients/ minerals, that we need to maintain our health. Bone Broth or Stock can replenish those needs easier, cheaper & faster than chasing other means. We all know that it's been scientifically proven that...

Châteaubriand - My Tips to this Delicious French Inspired Beef Tenderloin

Laura Jensen

Tags beef, filet

Châteaubriand - My Tips to this Delicious French Inspired Beef Tenderloin

It's the hottest cut in the butcher shop right now... Châteaubriand What is it?  The name itself is a French term referring to a cut of steak or method of roasting a beef tenderloin.  It's the beautiful center cut piece of a beef tenderloin, which is the most tender, flavorful cut of beef available. How do you cook it? Definitely use a meat thermometer! That's the difference in success! Sear or Brown the outside..... or not.....the hubs & I don't brown ours.... Otherwise, we cook ours at 375 degrees, until it's an internal temp we want and looks like something...

One Step Above. Our Baby Back Ribs are Conveniently Prepared for Your Menu

Laura Jensen

Tags heritage, pork, ribs

One Step Above. Our Baby Back Ribs are Conveniently Prepared for Your Menu

I know you've noticed that not all baby backs are the same.... Are you curious why some are mega tender and others are chewy? I can tell you why....... There are 2 specific factors that effect your baby back rib experience... The quality of the pork you choose. Wether or not the membrane has been removed from the back of them. Both of which are handled for you when you buy from us. We only work with the top hogs for our ribs. In's a statement from the farm... Our Baby back ribs are from "the highest-level pork on the market....

How bout our Hot Dogs! See why everyone is SO excited about them!

Laura Jensen

Tags beef, easy meal, game day, hot dogs

How bout our Hot Dogs! See why everyone is SO excited about them!

I had another local farmer and friend stop me recently.  He said.....'you should be advertising your hot dogs more! ... They're AMAZING!' I smiled and said, yeah.....they have their own following, for sure. He then started sharing with me why he and his family loves them so much.- They're delicious! Much more flavor than any other brand they've tried.  It only takes 1. They would eat 2 hot dogs with other brands. 1 fills him up with ours.  The price point is great. You don't have to cook as much. I, then, shared with him that they are top quality too!...